Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bangalore Carlton Inferno

Bangalore Carlton Inferno (Feb 23, 2010 3.30pm): It is high time that state governments employ 'Security Officers' for each city (at least tier 1 cities) to review and control the security aspects of buildings and other constructions and who can work with police, fire department and hospitals for paramedical and other relief activities. The security officer should review emergency rescue measures of commercial and public facilities and be justly to cancel operations of such places if they aren't deemed fit for life safety. This is only personal thought and step towards right measures for public safety.

I hated when BSY mentioned compensation to the deceased and injured, medical expenditure for the hospitalized and an inquiry of this mishap. I found that's a serious sh***.

Can't politicians think better than an average citizen like me?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What do you do when you get bored?

My friend asked me what do I do when I feel bored. It really took me way a long time to think an answer. After thinking a lot, I thought over again to find an answer. But I could only think but could not give him an answer and my friend didn't mind for an answer to his question. May be he got bored waiting for my answer. :-D

That question took enough brain bash and got stuck somewhere waiting for a resource to fulfill its task. So, one night after lying down on bed, this waiting task got some resource and here's my elaborated answer to you my friend:

- Boring is only a state of mind when you really do not like/think of doing anything. It is not that you performed all your jobs and didn't pend anything for you to feel bored. You could do many things like grooming your house/closet, try you fallen-out hobby(ies), take a walk, read something, browse internet for music or jokes, talk to your old-timers (friends) and many more. You can do a thousand other things than say (or complain) that I am bored. If someone complains that I am bored, I would rather regard it as "I AM SO LAZY TO MOVE MY A**".

So, my friend, I do not know what is boring and really could not have given thought about lest you questioned it.

I prefer LEISURE than being BORED.