Friday, July 23, 2010

Holding the thought

Thoughts and ideas are usually one’s intentions generated due to one or more multiple related and unrelated events of past and present (and future too).

But most often, a thought generated would really remain a thought before it is put in to action; that’s holding the thought. While there are good and bad examples of holding a thought, a good thought about bringing best of yourself or to the society is very very hard to put in to action. I am really don’t understand the reason being the thought got conceived in your mind only at the moment you undergone related event or situation. The other reasons may be just lack of will or lack of time or laziness or only good enough to talk and propose in chit-chats. And funny thing would be if someone else comes forward with same thought, puts in to good execution leaving you to your utter disbelief. Would you regard executing your thought next time as it strikes, may be after a diligent homework? Nah, I guess not. You only scream that - son of a ***** stole my idea. :-D

I had held many of my thoughts since my schooling to give back something to the society or to the community where I reside. There are instances where I even tried a few but died out immediately either because I did not receive helping hands or I just tried as beginner, not a finisher. Reasons could be many but results of inaction had been same: simply holding the thought.

However, I thought of writing about ‘holding the thought’ without the above effects. I guess, it’s the kinda start I needed.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Loneliness is beautiful (again)

Loneliness is beautiful (again)

In contrast to the blog heading, I love to live with loads of people around me, precisely with those who really don’t care about me or give a damn of what I am really inside. That makes you really be what you are inside and outside with all such people around you.

But when it comes to family or someone you really care or bother about then there it goes out of the window, "what you really are". With them, you can only be what you are liked for and be what they know you of. And there will be times with growing differences that make you feel smothered by the way you lead life like living-a-lie.

You then try to break out of it and only to realize that there is no way out as you cannot replace everyone around you, there is no way out coz of the promises you made to them, there is no way out coz you don’t want people get hurt. But then you see, it is only a matter of time. The frustration all around your heart stirs more and more unintentional hurting reactions or show your wrath of being unable to help yourself. It feels like you are holding thorns while it is a pillow. It feels like magnum while it is a cappuccino. It feels like graveyard while it is your favorite coffee shop.

You then experiment the ultimate - being alone.
- You'll realize how beautiful it is to please yourself with fried corn in the cold evening than try pleasing someone rest of your life.
- You'll realize there is world of time at your feet than you used to crave for an extra five minutes for your sleep, for your work, for your love of listening to music, for your dinner watching TV.
- You'll realize you are the owner of your thoughts
- You'll realize what you really want to be…..


Loneliness is a beautiful thing to happen to anyone either by force or by choice.